Thursday, February 26, 2009

We would like to officially introduce our new children, Anastasia Grace Rosenthal and Jonathan Ivan Rosenthal!!!! Our adoption was approved in court today without a hitch! Thank you, Lord! We now have a 10 day waiting period and we will come back to bring home our new children.

In court, the judge reviewed the childrens' case out loud. It was a great reminder of why we are here, and one aspect of the children's story was completely new to us: They have been institutionalized since birth! It was also stated that they were abandoned by their mother and never had a visitor, received a letter, package or phone call. The most moving statement was that "no one wanted them." The most disturbing thing is that there are over 150 children in this orphanage alone who may very well be in this same situation!

These facts make us even more amazed at the courageous and optimistic spirit of these two children and actually of all the orphans we have met on this journey. God bless them every one!

We have really learned so much in the past 3 weeks about how these kids live and their conditions. What we are about to tell you is what we have seen firsthand. This particular orphanage, we believe, though very poor has many loving staff members. With this said, the conditions in our eyes are unbearable. Today as we drove up the driveway onto the playground, we saw workers throwing raw sewage by the bucket onto the playground. Later that day when we dropped the children off after court, the workers had gone home, but the raw sewage was still there-literal human feces strewn across the ground with children playing not far away. We refrained from taking photos, but stared in disbelief as we saw it with our own eyes! We have been asked why we have chosen to adopt abroad. We didn't know ourselves the conditions here until we came and saw.

Tomorrow we head to Kiev. Saturday to London. Sunday back to our wonderful, courageous, generous girls, Abbie and Hannah. We have so many people to thank especially the Lashowers, who have blessed us in so many ways that we can't even start to say thank you!!!! Thank you to everyone who has made this trip possible and that God has worked through to provide for our girls.


  1. There were tears of happiness in my eyes as I read this. I can hardly wait until the children get home. Love, MOM

  2. Can't wait to meet our new kids!! God has surely blessed your family. We love you all.

  3. Thats great news! so glad everything went smooth.. we are all happy for all of you. The kids a getting great lovng parents and great loving sisters You both are awesome in so many ways. Hope you have a safe trip home.
    Love you

  4. Congratulations! Remember that while twins will be twice the number of questions you'll have to answer, twice the amount of English to teach, twice the amount of laundry, (you get the idea), You also get twice the hugs, twice the kisses, twice the love! You are twice blessed! I can't wait to meet Anastasia and Jonathan! Have a safe trip home! Love and prayers to you both!

  5. Dear Mike and Rose,

    I got your web address from the church bulletin, and I've been following your blog. Your posts have brought me to tears--tears of joy for both of you and your family. God has truly blessed you, and in return, you bless so many others.

    I've always had the desire to adopt a little girl, but I'm too old now! A few years ago, my cousin and her husband in Albuquerque adopted a little girl from China and named her Ellie. Little Ellie has brought so much joy into the lives of my cousin and her family. And I know that Johnathan and Anastasia will bring you as much joy as Abbie and Hannah already have.

    I pray God's blessings for all of you, and I thank you for being such a fine example of true Christianity.

    With love,

    Your Sister in Christ,

    Terry Rosique

  6. Rose & Mike -
    We couldn't be more excited for your family. What a wonderful testament of God's love, manifested in the love you are showing these little ones.
    We are praying for continued blessings!!
    Love you all!!

  7. Hello Mike and Rose,
    Congratulations to you and your whole family! What an awsome thing God has done for you all. I am Kelly Rosenthal's wife, Gabriela. Thank you for your comment on our blog. We don't check it very often these days. Kelly is doing wonderful and is resting right now. I can't wait to tell him about you and your journey in the morning. God's riches blessing upon you. Love in Christ, Gabriela
