Sunday, March 15, 2009

Homecoming was such a joy and a much needed blessing after a punishing travel experience. Our flights went swiftly from Kiev to LA. We were even able to get on standby from NY to LA first thing Saturday morning. The twins are excellent travellers we can tell. The acted out quite a bit, however. There were blocks of time (mostly on the airplanes and during transitional times) in which it felt like we were constantly doing battle. The schedule was rigorous enough without having two needy and overwhelmed children in tow, but with our average night's sleep being about 3-4 hours, we definitely were at our wits' end by the time we arrived at home. What a blessing Abbie and Hannah were to us at that time! We knew that coming home to two other children would be a tremendous help for Anastasia and Jonathan, but we had no idea the level of joy it would bring us all. Abbie and Hannah's faces were absolutely beaming with anticipation and love for their new siblings. There was plenty of excitement and love seeing Mommy and Daddy too.

We spent our first afternoon together just playing. Hannah helped Anastasia go through her clothes, all of which Anastasia loved! Abbie taught Jonathan how to play wii which he took to like a fish to water. Then there were pillow fights and tickling matches. Anastasia and Hannah painted their nails. They all watched Tom and Jerry on DVD. I think "DVD" is the twins first English word (if it is a word.) We also walked to the park and played tag. It sounds like a lot of activity but it was so soothing just to do normal family things.
The photo was taken on our walk to the park.

We had the playground all to ourselves.

Bailey appreciated Jonathan's gentle and easy-going disposition.

Anastasia is "all girl" and loved the ponytails Hannah did for her. Hannah and Anastasia took to each other immediately.

Jonathan and Anastasia discovered the scooters in the garage and took what we think was their first ride on them. Apparently there are no helmet laws in Ukraine, because the only way we could get them to wear them was to take away the scooters. It didn't take long for them to make the connection.

Both Anastasia and Jonathan had been eager to swim from the minute they arrived, so finally Sunday afternoon we heated the jacuzzi and swam.

Jonathan loved the bubble bath. He was even swimming in the tub.

Anastasia was so happy to finally swim.

Abbie and Hannah were at rehearsal, so momma and poppa got some bonding time with Anastasia and Jonathan. No one for sure who started it, but bunny ears just popped out all over!

Mike was (is) really sick, but was compelled to infalte his new boat and take the kids and Bailey for rides.
It was a truly blessed first 24 hours! One of the highlights which is not pictured was our first meal together as a family. We had mac & cheese, of course. The highlight, though, was holding hands to pray and looking forward to sharing with Anastasia and Jonathan the fact that they have been adopted not just by a loving human family, but by our Gracious Heavenly Father who has orchestrated the whole adventure from the beginning and who is being glorified in this small picture of his love toward each of us.


  1. Praise God! I am so glad you are all home safely.

  2. Tears of love and joy flow for you all. I know this isn't the end of your adventure, but truly the very beginning. Thank you for sharing such a picture of love; your love for the twins, is just as Christ's love for us.

  3. So glad to hear you are home and safe.


  4. What an awesome homecoming!

    To bring Anastasia and Jonathan from hopelessness and despair to your unconditional love and are true servants of God.

    It's just another reminder, that we should never be surprised with what God can accomplish through the power of prayer. We're very thankful for God's protective and comforting hands that have surrounded and lifted you up throughout this life-saving journey.

    All things are possible!

    Aloha, Jeff & Paula
