What a week! We got a great deal accomplished thanks be to God who is our strength and our guide! We had lots of fun and lots of challenges. The twins had two rather extensive trips to the doctor. One was a check up and the other was the ophthamalogist. We also played, watched dvds (their favorites are Shrek and Spirit, which happen to both be on the soon-to-be-revised official Rosenthal Family Favorites list) swam, played some more, kept up our regular routines of getting Abbie and Hannah off to school and back and to and from rehearsal and basketball games.
Most of the time Anastasia and Jonathan were both cooperative, but other times we met serious resistance. It was quite apparent after a couple of days that Nastia does not like the car and she actually fought hard against getting in the car, putting on the seat belt and getting out of the car. She has made great progress though. It really helped to talk to our friend Zorina who has been an interpreter almost on a daily basis. At least Nastia now knows we understand she gets car sick and we only take the prius and the van instead of the fj cruiser which has little visiblity for smaller children.
One melt down was particularly intense, but we all learned that Momma and Poppa's resolve is solid. Since then, the battles have come to a much quicker end. We can see her figuring out her new environment and testing its limits, and see the incredicble importance of keeping her world secure and predictable.
"Hydrotherapy" has also proven to be helpful for Nastia in particular. The first day we swam she was very tense and had a such a hard time that we thought she couldn't swim and even had a hard time floating on her back. By the end of the week, though she was swimming like a fish and very relaxed as she practice her back float. Praise God.
Both of these children are so precious!!!!! God is giving us exactly what we need when we need it and we thank those of you who are praying for us. Your prayers are clearly being answered. God is also mightily at work through Abbie and Hannah. Their example speaks volumes! As does their love and delight in their new siblings.
Their doctor visits were somewhat surprising. They both tested positive for TB, which alarmed us at first, but after the chest xrays, we learned it is not active. They will however be on anitibiotics for a long time. They are clear for school.
The ophthamalogist discovered that Jonathan's eyesight is actually worse than Nastia's. Nastia's strabismus (crossed-eyes) will be corrected by surgery. The good news is she is using both of her eyes. That is very good since it will help her recovery. Both of them will wear glasses all the time. He also told us that they are still within the window of develpment and should have full recovery of the brain development they lost from the brain not receieving clear images for so long. That window closes at about age 9 or 10. Rejoice with us that their vision will be corrected in time to prevent permanent neurological retardation!
Please pray for their physical and emotional development and for their first day of school which will be April 20. Mike and I also need your prayers for wisdom and discernment as well as for physical strength and endurance. Praise God who supplies all our needs!